Peer Review Process
Peer Reviewers
The peer review process influences the professional growth and development of educational colleagues and enhances the quality of the research and information published in Fidei et Veritatis. Review of all submissions is conducted impartially through blind process by members of the Peer Review Board and Editorial Review Board. At least two peer reviewers evaluate every submission.
Review Process (see attachment)
Fidei et Veritatis has a group of reviewers from various graduate schools that critique, assess, and provide feedback on all the papers that are submitted to the journal. The reviewers are the people who determine the academic excellence of the paper, and the final decision that is determined by the Editorial Board comes after the reviewers have made their decision.
The submission will receive one of the following recommendations from the reviewers: ‘Accept with no revisions’, ‘Accept with minor revisions’, or ‘Accept with major revisions’. The submission will be returned to the student if it does not receive one of these recommendations. Once the author receives their submission with the suggested edits, he/she will only have one week to correct the changes that were suggested by the reviewers.
The review process for Fidei et Veritatis is "double blind," meaning the reviewer does not know who the author is, and vice versa. Only the editors will know who the author is before publication. Each submission, if initially accepted, will be reviewed by two reviewers. Each reviewer will complete the Fidei et Veritatis along with the review.
Guidelines for Peer Reviewers
An author’s submission is prepared for blind review and a member of the editorial review board screens the document to ensure that minimum requirements are met. The submission is then made available for review by designated peer reviewers, through a link on the CPE website.
Steps in the review process are as follows:
Step 1: Verify availability. The reviewer will receive via e-mail a request to review a submission for Fidei et Veritatis. Within a 5-day period, reviewers are requested to verify their availability to review the submission. Reviewers respond to the email and indicate whether they will or will not be able to review the submission. Each reviewer will have up to 7 days to make their recommendation for the article.
Step 2: Review the Submission. Once a reviewer commits to review a submission, he or she will receive another e-mail with three URL links. The first URL link is to the submission that is to be reviewed. By clicking on the link in the email message, the Internet browser will open to a secure CPE Web page. On this page, the reviewer will see a link to the submission to be reviewed (e.g. MS word or PDF). The reviewer may click the link to open the document for review.
After reading the submission, the reviewer will click the second URL link to access this page and the form below. The reviewer will complete the review form.
Note that each form has 4 parts:
- Part 1. Likert Scale Review (This is to be prepared as a Microsoft Word document along with the corresponding narrative. You will submit it online via the "Submit Review" Link.)
- Part 2. Narrative Review (This is to be prepared as a Microsoft Word document with the above checklist. You will submit it online via the "Submit Review" Link.)
- Part 3. Reviewer Recommendation (You will check off your recommendation online via the "Submit Review" Link.)
- Part 4. Cover Letter (This is to be prepared as a Microsoft Word document separate from Part 1, 2, and 3. This document will allow you to communicate privately with the editor. You will submit it online via the "Submit Review" Link.)
Please note that reviewer reports may be submitted as plain text, PDF, Microsoft Word, or RTF files. Only use the plain text option if the report has no special fonts, equations, figures or necessary formatting. Also note that the author(s) will see the reviewers report exactly as submitted. Microsoft Word or RTF reports will be converted to PDF format by the system. All identifying references in the properties of PDF files will be removed by the system. Please be sure to remove any identifying references within the report.
Step 3: Submit the Review. Once the review of the submission has been prepared, the reviewer will follow the second URL link in the e-mail and click "Submit Review." The reviewer will follow the submission directions on the Web page. When all reviews are completed and an editorial decision is reached for the article, the reviews and the decision will be made available to the author(s). The reviews will be made available exactly as the reviewer submitted.