"Correlation Study: The Effect of Student-Teacher Rapport on High Schoo" by Robyn Clark


Robyn ClarkFollow




School of Education


Doctor of Education (EdD)


Tracey Pritchard


Correlation, High school, Performance rate, Student-Teacher Rapport, Student-Teacher Relationships


Education | Educational Psychology | Secondary Education and Teaching | Teacher Education and Professional Development


This study examined the relationship between student-teacher rapport and student performance rate. Convenience sampling was used to gather participants for the study. Graduating senior students at a Henrico County Public High School completed the Student Teacher Relationship Scale created by Dr. Robert C. Pianta. The mean scores of all students were calculated and then grouped and calculated according to gender and post-secondary goals/plans. The students' self-reported Grade Point Averages (GPA) were compared to their survey score to discover if there was a correlation between the students' rapport scale and their GPA. This study tested whether the student-teacher rapport developed was relevant. This correlation study attempted to determine reasons for an increase or decrease in student performance. The variables, predictor -student-teacher rapport and co-variable-performance rate, were evaluated at the start of a study. The population sample was chosen randomly from a convenience sampling design. The results were gathered and analyzed using the Student Teacher Relationship Scale Profile Sheet and the Pearson's correlation coefficient for the purpose of accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis. Suggestions for further research are also included.
