"A Grounded Theory Study of the Second Birth and the Processes of Sanct" by Richard Bruce Williams




School of Behavioral Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)


Jichan Jay Kim


Bible, biblical, sanctification, inhibitors, facilitators, God, speaking, communicating, human, response, responsiveness, societal, discourse




The human experience of Christian sanctification and communicating with the God of the Bible was studied using a Constructivist Grounded Theory. The setting was the United States, a post-truth society with concurrent falling church attendance, diminished Bible reading, and deteriorating social discourse. Fifteen participants met the inclusionary criteria of a second birth experience over one year prior and over 18 years old. Research questions focused on facilitators and inhibitors of sanctification processes, how the participants perceived God communicated with them, and their resultant actions. Results demonstrated that participants reported that God used multiple communication modalities. Participants felt a great closeness to God, love and caring from Him; He was an ideal Father. Despite those attractive drawings, participants were not fully obedient to Him, did not focus on His kingdom, maintained worldly cognitive patterns, and used less than full truth in their communications and behaviors. Sanctification levels were determined to be less than those of a young spiritual realm adult. Sanctification facilitators could not overcome powerful environmental sanctification inhibitors beyond individual resolution, including deficient local church teaching and training, inadequate pastor and leadership training, and an antiquated biblical hermeneutic that left broad scriptural models undetected. The most serious inhibitor was that participants were unaware of their knowledge limitations. Inhibitors attenuated hearing God speak clearly. Remedial strategies were discussed that may assist in repairing deteriorating societal social discourse. Keywords: Bible, biblical, sanctification, inhibitors, facilitators, God, speaking, communicating, human, response, responsiveness, societal, discourse

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