"Perceptions of Alabama School Personnel of Research-based Instructiona" by Christopher Glenn Pritchett


March 2007


Ellen L Black

Primary Subject Area

Education, Administration


School Improvement, Instructional Strategies, School Improvement Plans


This study was designed to explore the perceptions of school personnel concerning the use of research-based instructional strategies as outlined in School Improvement Plans of selected Alabama school districts to improve student achievement. The principal and School Improvement Chairperson at 281 Alabama public secondary schools, identified for School Improvement as mandated by NCLB, composed the population. All subjects received a mailed survey developed by the researcher. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS 11.0 using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, multiple regression, and Pearson product moment coefficient of correlation. A significant positive correlation was found between the implementation and perceived importance for each of the nine research-based instructional strategies presented in the study. Alabama educators also indicated a need for more time for planning, increased budgets for professional development, and extra resources for achieving school goals.
