"Faith Comes by Hearing: Impact of Expository Preaching in the Worldvie" by Kenneth Martinez




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Jeffrey W Johnsen


Adventist theology, biblical theology, biblical canon, biblical worldview, discipleship, expository preaching, Great Controversy, young adults


Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


In this thesis, expository preaching is proposed as the mechanism to communicate a biblical worldview to Adventist young adults (people ages 18 to 40). This thesis project engaged the young adults of two Adventist church plants: Refuge Church and Triumph Church. The project consisted of preaching Adventist biblical theology through expository sermons, with the thesis that it would be interpreted as a worldview by young adults. The preaching series delivered salvation history, broken down into eight pericopes, and used the Great Controversy as its metanarrative. The goal of each sermon was to expound the assigned passage and its place on salvation history. The project aimed to use the canonical method proposed by Peckham, so it was based exclusively on the biblical canon. The worldview of the young adults who participated was captured before, during, and after the intervention. The project included Adventist young adults from different backgrounds as well as a few non-Christians. The results were a modest but measurable progress in the developing of a biblical worldview, nuanced by Adventism. Hence, the bare exposition of Scriptures should be considered in Adventist church plants and Adventist young adult ministries. For SDA young adults, instead of communicating Adventist doctrine, is more effective to exemplify an Adventist reading of Scripture through expository preaching. A world-story presented through Bible exposition may have a bigger impact at the intellectual, emotional, and existential level than an abstract belief system. Hence, expository preaching may be an effective tool for the Adventist Church to disciple young adults.

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