"Mindfulness for the Reduction of Anxiety, Stress, and Depression in th" by Shelley R. Crampton




School of Behavioral Sciences


Doctor of Education in Community Care and Counseling (EdD)


Pamela Moore


mindfulness, education students, polyvagal theory, MBSR


Counseling | Education


Teachers and students alike suffer from anxiety, stress, and depression. Mindfulness-based strategies have been indicated to help teachers and students deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. Teachers often report not wishing to add more learning strategies to their packed schedules and workload. Education in mindfulness is not easily accessible due to the time constraints of this overworked population. The criteria for participation in the study required the college students in preservice education classes to be over 18 years old, enrolled in the teacher education program, and not have participated in any mindfulness in the last six months. The study is a quantitative pretest posttest design and included 10 participants who completed the pretest, intervention, and posttest. The data was collected via the website Mindful Teacher and included a link to the intervention, Palouse Mindfulness. Palouse Mindfulness is a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program. The data was collected, screened, and then analyzed using a paired sample t-test and noted, after analysis using SPSS, a reduction in the posttest scores on the depression, anxiety, and stress scales (DASS-21) after using the MBSR intervention. The factors of anxiety, stress, and depression have been associated as being significant factors in burnout as well as overall teacher health. Hopefully, MBSR could be a valuable technique for better mental health in teachers and those entering the profession.
