"A Phenomenological Study in Attitudes and Belief about the Northern Ca" by Ethel Diane McKay




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Education in Christian Leadership (EdD)


William Higley


Homeless, attitudes, theology, government, faith based


Christianity | Education


Homelessness is a problem in the United States. By observing and collecting data regarding the views of multiple stakeholders, this researcher offers a study regarding attitudes and opinions about homelessness in two rural, northern California cities (Barmann, 2018, para. 2). By using a phenomenological approach for gathering and analyzing data, the researcher offers the essence of experiences of those who are helping the homeless population. By interviewing local government officials, pastors, and homeless advocates, where they are, in their offices, churches, or at local coffee shops, this researcher went to where the phenomenon occurs. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the attitudes regarding the homeless in northern California. The setting was at participants ’offices, churches, and local coffee shops. At this stage in the research, homelessness is generally defined as not having a space of one’s own to call home. The theory guiding this study are those precepts based on biblical mandates for caring for the poor. Secular government and institutions are doing what can be done to meet the needs of the poor. The church appears to alternate between having no responsibility to only having limited obligation, depending on theological leanings within the institutions.
