"Church of Christ's Organizational Involvement Related to Human Traffic" by Veronica D. Jackson




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Philosophy


Brad Burgess


Churches of Christ, Human Trafficking Prevention, Youth Workers


Education | Rehabilitation and Therapy


The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to determine if any relationship exists, and to what extent, between human trafficking and prevention measures taken by Churches of Christ located along Highway 20 corridor between Birmingham, Alabama, and Atlanta, GA. The goal of this study brings awareness to any gaps identified in Churches of Christ organizations related to their awareness, knowledge base, prevention, service to community, youth, and victims related to trafficking. The researcher also examined whether there is a relationship with local law enforcement related to human trafficking prevention and making basic referrals for medical services. Human trafficking is a domestic issue in the United States and the local church can serve as a gateway to educating parents, youth, and community about prevention strategies. Youth leaders, youth, and parents need to have an awareness of the signs that may indicate human trafficking and be willing to speak up and report this behavior. Homeland Security (2022) defines human trafficking as involving the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Research questions 1-3 respectively include: (a) What relationship, if any, exists between the prevention of human trafficking with law enforcement and the Churches of Christ? (b) What relationship, if any, exists between prevention/awareness of human trafficking and Churches of Christ youth ministry educational programs? and (c) What relationship, if any, exists between human trafficking awareness and Churches of Christ organizational provision of spiritual services and professional referrals to victims?
