"A Grounded Theory Study of Digital Discipleship Methods for Effectiven" by Daniel L. Tebo Jr.




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Philosophy


Steve Lowe


digital discipleship, phygital church planting, effectiveness, grounded theory


Christianity | Religion


The purpose of this grounded theory study was to investigate digital discipleship methods and their effectiveness in the phygital (physical + digital) church within various US- based evangelical networks. Throughout this research, a grounded theory study was generally defined as one “in which a researcher derives a general, abstract theory of a process, action, or interaction grounded in the views of participants” (Creswell & Creswell, 2017, p.13). Furthermore, the phygital church was defined as a group of 10-100 people who “utilize the strengths of physical church and the strengths of digital church” (Stadia Church Planting, 2020, p. 4) to gather for the purposes found in Acts 2:41-47 (ESV, 2016). Whereas effectiveness was generally defined as “multiplying and sending [disciples], not [simply] gathering and counting” them (Ferguson et al., 2018). Faithful effectiveness and multiplication by today’s church ensures obedient fulfillment of Jesus’ commands in Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV, 2016) (Etzel, 2017). Nonetheless, through a robust collection and committed analysis of qualitative data, this researcher attempted to gain critical insights from digital church leaders; thus, generating a new model and best practice methods for digital discipleship and effectiveness in phygital church networks.

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