"Exploring the Impact of Spiritual Disciplines Among Disciples of Chris" by Sharon Yvette Hardy Hunter




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Gary Moritz


Disciples, Spiritual Disciplines, Holy Spirit. Spiritual Growth, Holiness, Small Groups




Spiritual disciplines have long been recognized as a means to foster more significant spiritual growth and maturity in the life of disciples of Christ. However, in today’s culture, there is a perceived lack of commitment to spiritual growth with new and established disciples of Christ of the twenty-first century vs. those of the twentieth century at Perfecting Church in Detroit, Michigan. Therefore, this study will look at the impact of introducing spiritual disciplines to new disciples of Christ to foster more significant spiritual growth and a commitment to a life of faith in Christ. Although faith community members embrace a wide array of disciplines, this study will specifically highlight the role of Bible reading, prayer, and fasting in promoting a lifestyle of discipline and spiritual pursuit. In this project, pre-and post-test surveys assess the participants’ perception of and commitment to spiritual growth and spiritual disciplines as discipleship activities. The post-test reveals positive changes in the knowledge and practice of Spiritual disciplines among the target audience. Spiritual disciplines are for the journey toward holiness, the pursuit of becoming more like Christ.

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