"High Musical Achievement in Underserved High School Band Programs: A Q" by Delton Marcus Brown




School of Music


Doctor of Music Education (DME)


Nathan Street


Cultural Responsiveness, urban, high school band, culturally responsive music education, minority-majority band programs, White band directors, Black band students, Hispanic band students, developing relationships urban students, underserved band programs


Education | Educational Methods


Although information is available detailing methods and strategies for high achievement in school band programs, very little is synthesized specifically addressing high schools in urban, inner-city, and other underserved student populations. This study explores the effects of cultural responsiveness, director-student relationships, and establishing and maintaining high standards on student motivation and overall program achievement. The data collected in this study originate from five Texas band directors in minority-majority programs where the school comprises a student population with over 60 percent eligibility for free and/or reduced lunch. These directors have all made significant achievements at the high school level in the state of Texas and have received recognition at the national level. For comparative purposes, all directors also maintain experience in the more affluent suburban situations. Furthermore, in most instances, the programs examined have shifted from being highly successful majority White suburban schools to now minority-majority urban program attempting to maintain or recapture past successes. These themes, while explicitly targeting urban/inner-city programs, are useful for band directors in all settings, as the strategies and methods examined may be effective in all high school band situations.
