


School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD)


George Johnson


induction practices, novice teachers, efficacy, student learning outcomes




The purpose of this phenomenological study was to investigate novice teachers’ perceptions of the influence of induction practices on student learning outcomes at a public secondary high school. A theory that guided this study is Knowles’s theory of andragogy as it establishes the need for novice teachers to participate in training that is self-directed, builds competency in problem-solving, and focuses on their experiences. Another theory that guided this study is Lave’s and Wenger’s situated learning theory as it offers a framework for induction that increases novice teacher efficacy and professionalism in the workplace. A transcendental phenomenology was used to detect the common meaning shared by novice teachers who experience induction practices. The sample of the study included novice teachers at public high schools in a Midwest state who have three years or less of teaching and received induction practices. Questionnaires, individual interviews, and a focus group discussion served as the data collection methods to achieve triangulation of the data. The study implemented Moustakas’s procedures for analysis by completing epoché, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation, and synthesis. From the analysis, the following three themes regarding induction practices emerged: the power of relationships, an uplifting experience, and the importance of authenticity. The findings revealed that induction practices can positively influence novice teachers’ ability to achieve student learning outcomes.

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