"Unlocking the Talent Puzzle: Examining the Impact of Job Satisfaction," by Angela Denise Lamar




Graduate School of Business


Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Maria S Garcia de la Noceda


talent attraction, talent attraction, talent management, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, career advancement


Human Resources Management


The current competitive organizational market warrants the implementation of talent attraction and retention strategies to aid organizations faced with talent management challenges. To provide organizations with practical strategies and best practices, it is vital first to understand real-world experiences of organizations as well as employees. This dissertation’s objectives are to discover the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and career development or advancement in influencing talent attraction and retention strategies. The comprehensive qualitative research study will incorporate interview and survey data from organizational leaders and employees within the Southeastern United States region and the Fintech industry space. The participants will aid the study in supplying actual experiences with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and career development or advancement. The research findings will contribute to the existing literature on talent management, precisely the attraction and retention factors previously mentioned. The study will identify essential factors that drive top talent to join and remain with organizations and further enhance organizational strategy for talent attraction and retention. The research conclusions will provide organizational recommendations to drive strategies aimed at improving job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and career development or advancement. The insights will benefit organizations in creating appealing work environments that attract talent and growth environments that retain their human capital, contributing to sustaining long-term success.
