"Biblical Memorization and Meditation as an Effective Means of Spiritua" by Scott Ahern




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Paul Esswein


Biblical Memorization, Biblical Meditation, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Disciplines, The Armor of God


Practical Theology | Religion


This action research project aims to evidence how biblical memorization and meditation are effective means of spiritual warfare. The need for this type of study arises from the neglect of biblical memorization and especially biblical meditation in many evangelical churches. This author hopes the research project will help retrieve these spiritual disciplines for his home church Calvary Chapel of the Hills and broader evangelicalism. To promote biblical memorization and meditation in the author’s home church, he self-published a workbook titled Memorization and Meditation Manual: A Guided Workbook to Memorize and Meditate on Ephesians 6:10-18. This workbook guides readers in a step-by-step process to memorize and meditate upon the classic armor of God text in Ephesians 6:10-18. A small group of participants at Calvary Chapel of the Hills agreed to use the workbook and practice biblical memorization and meditation for thirty-six days. To protect the privacy of participants, no proper names were used in the writing of this paper. Assessment tools were administered at the intervention's beginning, middle, and end to gauge whether biblical memorization and meditation improved participants’ effectiveness in fighting the world, the flesh, and the devil. Specifically, these assessment tools measured participants’ spiritual sobriety, spiritual preparedness, spiritual empowerment, and their ability to strand strong. The results demonstrated a strong correlation between practicing biblical memorization and meditation and one’s effectiveness in spiritual combat. While the study is specific to Calvary Chapel of the Hills, both the intervention and concomitant implications offer fruitful avenues for the wider body of Christ to become more victorious in spiritual battle.
