


School of Behavioral Sciences


Doctor of Education in Community Care and Counseling (EdD)


Stephen Ford


Religion, cognitive behavioral therapy, marital quality/satisfaction, Haitian American


Christianity | Counseling


The current study examined perceptions regarding marital satisfaction as described by Protestants Haitians Americans and non-Christian Haitian Americans. Participants were selected from married Christian and non-Christian couples that have been married for over five years within the age range of 25-53. The study used the Religion-Adapted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy theory (R-CBT) framework. R-CBT is a well-known theoretical framework that integrates religious interventions in the therapeutic relationship to educate clients about the triangular relationship between thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and cognitive restructuring (de Abreu Costa & Moreira-Almeida, 2022). Religion-Adapted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (R-CBT) incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy methods from the perspective of the clients’ organized system of beliefs. It also integrates practices that connect them with the sacred or God (de Abreu Costa & Moreira-Almeida, 2022; Moreira-Almeida & Koenig, 2006). The researcher used a qualitative descriptive research design because this methodology is used to understand how people make meanings of a given phenomenon or situation. Qualitative descriptive qualitative research design does not conform to a particular research process or procedure, making it possible for the researcher to use different methods in collecting and analyzing data (Patton, 2014). The study findings provided insights into factors influencing marital quality and satisfaction. The study findings also presented limitations, implications for stakeholders, and recommendations for future research.
