"Helplessness to Hope: Cultural Transformations for the Maasai Girl-Chi" by Kelly Suzanne Bingham




School of Education


Doctor of Education (EdD)


Randall Dunn

Primary Subject Area

Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies; Anthropology, Cultural


Culture, Education, Hope, Kenya, Maasai, Religion


This study examined how the life dreams of the girls at the MTH Center of Hope in Kenya are being altered as a result in a change of cultural experience. The center was built as a place of rescue to protect Maasai girls from early marriage, FGM and extreme poverty while allowing them to stay in school. The phenomenological study included observations, interviews, focus groups and a questionnaire that was used to elicit responses and begin dialogue. Results indicate that there is a definite need not only for secondary and tertiary education for the girls but also to train the girls toward gainful employment. Other results include educating the Maasai men on the destructive practices toward females within the patriarchal society and allowing morality associated with Christianity to permeate the culture that is imploding because the moral fiber of society is being destroyed by witchcraft, evil and corruption.
