"Hybrid Teacher Professional Development Experiences: A Qualitative Phe" by Laura Francis




School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD)


Justin Necessary


Desimone, equity, active learning, collective participation, face-to-face, hybrid and online teacher professional development




The purpose of this qualitative transcendental phenomenological study is to describe the lived experiences of teachers’ hybrid professional development in a Northern California Title I school district. The conceptual framework guiding this study is Desimone’s professional development framework, as it synthesizes research into five core features that change teachers’ beliefs and practices: content focus, active learning, coherence, duration, and collective participation. A transcendental study was used to capture the essence of the hybrid professional development experiences of ten teachers from six schools in a Title 1 district in the second year of an equity hybrid teacher professional development (TPD). Data were collected through interviews, artifact analysis, and focus groups. Data were analyzed through epoché, phenomenological reduction, and imaginative variation to answer the question, “What are the lived experiences of teachers in a Northern California Title I school district during hybrid teacher professional development?” Six themes were derived from the data analysis a) feedback, b) lifelong learner, c) guidance, d) safety, e) time, and f) frustration. The data revealed that asynchronous active learning activities are beneficial for frontloading and holding teachers accountable to prepare for collective participation activities. Additionally, the data indicated hybrid TPD settings require different considerations to set up safety before collective participation can occur, especially for controversial topics like equity. Furthermore, practitioners should consider how facilitators and administrators collaborate to provide feedback and engagement in all collective participation settings.

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