"Social Media: A Tool for Discipleship" by Allen James Williams




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Deanna Jane Gonzales


social media, discipleship, generation Z, influence, addiction, digital disciple


Christianity | Religion


The purpose of this DMIN action research project is to equip students within The Next Generation Ministry at Christ Community Church Pinehurst with social media as a tool for discipleship. The academic literature reviewed reveals that social media introduces significant levels of influence, causes addictive habits, and often results in overconsumption of content. To determine if these aspects could be overcome, an intervention was developed to train and equip a group of thirteen participants to avoid those traits and instead use social media as a tool for discipleship. The research shows that it is possible for social media to be used to create inspiring faith-based content, practice godly influence, develop personally, evangelize, and mentor other Christians. This research admonishes the church to utilize the gift of content creation that Generation Z holds to be utilized to advance the church’s mission. The boundaries developed in this project also allowed members of Generation Z to break free from the addictive stronghold that social media holds in their lives. This project shows how essential it is that the church empower, equip, and train Generation Z to live as authentic digital disciples online.

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