"One Church’s Apathy Toward Fulfilling the Great Commission" by David Thomas Williamson




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Jacob Dunlow


church revitalization, apathy, spiritual maturity, discipleship, evangelism, church growth, spiritual disciplines


Christianity | Practical Theology


Philippians 1:9-11 records Paul’s prayer containing four assessments believers can use to measure their progress toward spiritual maturity. These areas include a love that flows, a mind that knows, a character that shows, and a fruit that grows. The purpose of all these qualities is to demonstrate God’s glory. Where spiritual maturity is absent, apathy and complacency abound, and this dilemma must be overcome before a church can effectively pursue and sustain a viable focus on church revitalization. Because theological academia has not effectively focused on the partnership between spiritual maturity and church revitalization, this DMIN research project will address the need for individuals to overcome apathy and complacency by pursuing spiritual maturity. This pursuit is a precursor to and a partner of an effective and sustainable church revitalization focus. The research will be conducted within a small, dying, neighborhood Baptist church that has seen a sixty-one percent decrease in attendance over the past seven years. This research will include one-on-one confidential interviews, before and after spiritual maturity assessments, a ten-week Discipleship Training Course, a focus group study, and a triangularization questionnaire. This project will present the findings highlighted in a before and after snapshot of the life and vitality of this otherwise dying congregation.
