"Understanding an Urban Black Worldview: A Phenomenological Examination" by Gershwin Francis Grant




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Michael Williams


Cultural Competence, Cultural Intelligence, Racial Trauma, Racism, COVID-19, 2020, Urban Culture, Pastoral Counseling, Racial Reconciliation, Worldview, Christian Worldview, Black Worldview




This action research project was designed to surface and codify a worldview that emerged among black people as a result of the traumatic phenomena of 2020. The program sought to help white pastors in New York’s Lower Hudson Valley recognize this new worldview, understand its implications, and desire to intentionally develop their level of Cultural Competence to more effectively counsel and disciple black congregants holding this worldview. The detrimental effects of the phenomena of 2020 exacerbated existing trauma caused by social and institutional racism and resulted in an altered worldview among urban blacks affecting relationships in communities and within church congregations. A practical, immersive intervention program was developed in which ten white, majority culture evangelical ministers participated in a 30-day phenomenologically based lifestyle immersion in black history and urban culture. Group discussions, surveys, and cultural immersion allowed pastors to experience the phenomena of 2020 and black history through the eyes of the minority sub-culture. The pastors grew in Cultural Intelligence and their desire to develop greater Cultural Competence intentionally. It is hoped that this project will inspire and guide a growing examination of identifiable, quantifiable, common-core worldviews by qualified evangelicals within their own sub-cultures. A growing, evolving compendium of cultural knowledge that builds Cultural Intelligence and leads to Cultural Competence within the Evangelical community would greatly benefit the kingdom.

Included in

Counseling Commons
