"A Model of Evangelism for a Bilingual Worship Community" by Dorkham Donovan See




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Brent R. Kelly


evangelism, bi-lingual worship community, Lahu Christians, ethnic worship communities, gospel




The purpose of this DMIN action research project is to develop a model of evangelism for the Lahu-English bilingual worship community at Calvary Evangelical Free Church in Rochester, Minnesota. This study claims that the Lahu-English bilingual worship community has not emphasized evangelism—to share the gospel beyond this group—due to the decline of Christian influence in general and the cultural and language barriers that first and second- generation Lahu Christians encounter. Most ethnic worship communities tend to congregate and remain in their sphere of social and worship gatherings as a haven and belonging. While this is not intrinsically wrong, it ignores the command to reach more people for Christ. There are three objectives for this project. The first objective is to train this worship community on the content of the gospel. Namely, the participants are trained to articulate and summarize the main points of the gospel. The second objective is to provide a strategy for implementing evangelism. This strategy should be incorporated into their everyday lives. The final objective of this project is regarding the sustainability of this model. Sharing the gospel with others is not a project but rather an ongoing, lifelong process. This action research project will employ the qualitative and quantitative research philosophy and acquire data through pre- and post-questionnaire, discussions, interviews, and follow-ups. This project aims to call all Christians, including immigrants and ethnic churches, to engage and share the gospel wherever God has placed them in His sovereignty.

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