


School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD)


Susan Stanley


morphology, teacher self-efficacy, literacy, Science of Reading


Elementary Education | Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this quantitative predictive correlation study was to examine the relationship between teacher self-efficacy factors in literacy and teacher preparedness in teaching morphology in elementary classrooms. Results from this study have the potential of determining needed instructional changes at both the teacher training and elementary school levels. One hundred fifteen respondants came from elementary teachers in three school districts across the Tennessee Valley, although only 69 participants completed the survey in its entirety. The Teacher Sense of Efficacy in Literacy Instruction (TSELI), with demographic questions on education level, teacher position, and completion of Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) training was given, along with a Survey of Morphological Knowledge to determine teacher preparedness in providing morphology instruction. Data from these instruments were collected via a Qualtrics survey sent through email and were analyzed using multiple linear regression. Initial results showed the lack of a good model fit, requiring a corrected model without the variable of educational level. Results from the multiple regression analysis showed a statistically significant, moderately positive linear predictive relationship between teacher self-efficacy factors and the SMK.
