"Developing a Community Chaplaincy Ministry: Through a Need Satisfactio" by Shanti Samuel




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Page Brooks


Spiritual Care Process, Chaplaincy, Indian Context, Need Based, Need Assessment, Quality Improvement in Spiritual Care




Believers in Jesus Christ are mandated to "go" into the world, and caring for people is part of the seeking. God has provided models and processes of His care in the scriptures. A chaplain holds spiritual care functions outside the church's four walls on the field. Unfortunately, many Asian Indian Americans in the booming immigrant population have not received care. Therefore, this action research thesis assumes need-based church training to build a culture-sensitive model of care to provide care. This research project explored the causes and impediments to care through participative sessions with the spiritual care provider volunteers of the church. Qualitative data was collected by observing participants. Using quality management improvement methods, the study participants examined their expectations of culture-based care and what they felt was lacking in them to provide care. The research results indicated increased awareness of the problem and the ability to uncover, identify, and select critical causes, such as the absence of listening presence, to build preventive solutions towards dispensing care as a systemic whole. Participants created the need satisfaction model by uncovering needs through probing and supporting uncovered needs with the benefits of the Word through listening and prayer. The church and participants are encouraged to continue to work on eliminating impediments to care and collaborate with other providers in the community. Following a continuous quality improvement initiative in community chaplaincy, they can adapt to a continuously changing and evolving culture of immigrant inter-faith life in an alien land.

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