"Employment Branding for University Graduates in Jamaica" by Caroline Harvey




Graduate School of Business


Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Folly Somado-Hemazro


Employment Branding, Jamaican Employment Branding, Employees’ based strategies, Reducing Employees’ turnover, Jamaican Migration, Brain Drain, Employment in Jamaica, Jamaican University Graduate Jobs.


Business | International and Area Studies


Employee turnover has remained a problematic and most argumentative topic throughout history. Unfortunately, after having an abundance of resources, technology and, viability employee turnover is increasing. The same problem is found in Jamaica as well. This research is about evaluating the Employment Branding for University Graduates in Jamaica. The research method considered and, used for the same study was qualitative with which semi-structured interviews and a Focused Group Study were utilized. This study comprised three essential populations Human Resource Managers affiliated with the Jamaican Business Development Corporation followed by, tertiary educated Jamaicans seeking employment and, third the tertiary educated Jamaicans who had migrated. Thematic Analysis was utilized to analyze the collected data through NVIVO Software, which is quite favorable in qualitative research. It is found from the analysis that Jamaican University Students seeking employment require that the organizations provide an opportunity for them to grow. Employers can increase their employment branding by creating effective training programs and career development opportunities to tackle the problems of the client and meeting with their needs. Apart from that having a transparent recruitment and selection procedure along with providence of a congenial environment for the employees are some of the main strategies recommended by the Human Resource Managers during the interview. Companies need to have a better image on Social Media, and try to be as communicative as possible, because it helps them to get a thorough idea about most of the problems faced by the employees. By providing competitive salaries, bonuses, benefits and a congenial and a transparent environment to the employees, Jamaican Companies can increase their employability to the young Jamaican graduates, which is equally effective for them to maximize their potential in Jamaica and, have a competitive edge over their competitors.
