"The Prayer Life of The African American Christian Men at New Life Gosp" by Sherilyn Ann Howard




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Jacob Dunlow


Black, men, African, American, prayer, kingdom




The researcher will address the problem of African American Men at New Life Gospel Center failing to lead their family’s spiritual journey at home. Fourteen men covering three generations came together through Zoom classes, a series of interviews, eight weekly classes, focus groups, and surveys. The men were encouraged, educated, and trained to lead prayer in their homes with their families. The men challenged each other and made themselves accountable to study the Bible and prayer. The thesis was for the average Christian man who is simply a churchgoer but wants to transform into a Kingdom Man. A Kingdom Man is a man who receives his instructions from God, and he will glorify the King in every area of his life. The researcher takes a journey back to slavery through generational curses that have left a mark on the mental health of Black men. The journey continues as they reclaim their identity not only as Black men but as Godly Men. They are reminded of their value and the power God has given them through prayer. The project challenges African American men to lead their families spiritually by being an example of a praying man. When the prayer classes concluded, the women were interviewed so that the researcher could understand their viewpoints on how the men’s prayer lives changed. During the final class, the men decided to continue the Zoom meetings to study the Word and practice praying together. The project will influence others in the field of prayer to reach African American Christian men in churches across America, denying the supernatural power God has given them to be men of prayer.

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