


Helms School of Government


Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice (PhD)


Scott Stenzel


Servant Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Job Burnout, Probation and Parole, Community Corrections


Social and Behavioral Sciences


The following research paper investigated the associations between servant leadership, job burnout, and job satisfaction in the Iowa probation and parole profession. There is extensive literature examining job burnout and job satisfaction in many disciplines, including the field of corrections. Leadership literature examining the servant leadership model remains limited. The leadership literature suggests that probation and parole agencies operate through a traditional paramilitary command and control hierarchy of strict adherence to rules, policies, and procedures. The importance and significance of this study are that it examined the extent to which probation and parole leaders practiced and engaged in servant leadership qualities, such as meeting the needs of officers and examined its associations with job burnout and job satisfaction. This study utilized a correlational research design on a sample of probation and parole officers in a rural Iowa community corrections department. This study utilized the Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ), Burnout Assessment Tool 2.0 (BAT), and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) for data collection purposes. Pearson correlations were utilized for data analysis purposes. The findings indicated a strong positive correlation between servant leadership and job satisfaction r(29) = .65, p < .001. Findings suggest no significant correlation between servant leadership and job burnout r(29)= -.22, p = .237. Findings align with current research on servant leadership as an effective leadership model. Future research should expand the sample size to include urban areas, correctional institutions, and other community corrections job classifications.
