"Exploring the Correlation Between Family and the Church: Integrating t" by Korey A. Tucker




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Scott Duane Edgar


family integration, church assimilation, psychoeducation, group counseling, bilateral relationships, unilateral relationship


Christianity | Religion


This action research project addressed the problem of families not fully integrating into a new church community. The research used the implementation of group psychoeducation counseling to help integrate families into a new church system. Exploring the correlation between the family and church revealed that healthy families help to create a healthy church. The rationale for implementing group psychoeducation counseling is that other forms of engaging the family could not address all the needs and challenges families experience when attempting to assimilate fully into a new church system. The research method utilized was a mixed-method approach, using pre- and post-assessment surveys with Likert scales, as well as the information gained from participants during sessions. The second-order change was the goal of the project, to ensure that the change would be an adjustment to cognitive thinking about integration by addressing those issues hindering integration. The ultimate goal was to affect not only behavior or first-order change but also to establish the ability for a complete change of perspective regarding the community.

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