"The Intergenerational Church's Role in Family Worship" by Jeremy Robert Jordan




School of Music


Doctor of Worship Studies (DWS)


R. Scott Connell


Intergenerational Church, Family Worship, Discipleship, Worship, Intergenerational, Family


Christianity | Liturgy and Worship | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


Throughout the Scriptures, God calls parents to teach their children to glorify God through worship. The Bible also commands all generations to encourage one another through worship and service. Throughout history, there are many examples of God’s people spending time in family worship, but over the past couple of decades, there has been a decline in parents discipling their children. A great number of parents are now expecting the church to provide the biblical training their children need. The lack of parents taking the time to teach their children and lead them in worship daily has led to high school graduates straying away from their faith at alarming rates. Despite a return to intergenerational worship, many worship pastors are not encouraging families to spend time in worship together. This qualitative historical narrative research project examines the biblical context and church history on the purpose of the church, the family, family worship, the intergenerational church body, and the pastoral leadership’s responsibility to the family. This study reveals how the intergenerational church can effectively equip families of all ages to either begin or strengthen daily times of family worship. Through the strengthening of daily family worship, the weekly times of corporate worship will be enhanced due to the growing relationship families have with God. This opportunity for the church to work together builds the future outlook of the intergenerational church worship ministry and increases the productivity of the discipleship ministry through mentoring.
