"The Decline of Youth at Ministry Under The Sky" by Wanda Elaine Belvin




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Joe Easterling


Youth, Decline in Service, Ministry, Mentor


Christianity | Religion


The decline of youth attending their services is no secret for many churches. The influences of the world, technology, wanting to fit in are just a few reasons youth find other things to do than attend their church services faithfully. Ministry Under The Sky is a small ministry with a big heart. At its birth in 2001, Ministry Under The Sky’s start was in the researcher’s home and her husband, the Overseer of the ministry. God blessed Ministry Under The Sky with its first building in 2007. The church outgrew the first two buildings less than two years each. The third location’s stay was three and a half years. The ministry was known in the community for being relational, helping others, and their energetic youth learning about the Lord and how to live for Him. However, as the youth began to age out, some went to college, the Army, and moved out-of-state, the youth’s attendance began to dwindle. The things the ministry was well known for to attract youth and families, inadvertently they got away from doing them. The lack of youth in their services actively engaging and their parents is an issue at Ministry Under The Sky. The Compassion Authentic Respect Educate Mentoring Empowerment mentoring ministry’s birth will help the ministry become relational once again, see current and new youth emerging actively at Ministry Under The Sky, and families evolve and grow spiritually once again.

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