"Biblical Pastoral Counseling: An Integrative Approach to Healing" by Sonya Cook


Sonya CookFollow




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Jeffrey L. Cockrell


Biblical Counseling, Pastoral Counseling, African American/Black Church and Mental Health, Integrative Approach to Counseling, African American/Black Communities and Mental Health


Christianity | Counseling | Religion


Biblical Pastoral Counseling: An Integrative Approach to Healing, seeks to address the gap in the current biblical counseling service offered at Calvary Baptist Church. The problem with the current biblical counseling service is the lack of a holistic approach to the congregates presenting problem. This current approach takes a strictly biblical approach excluding the mental/behavioral health component from the therapeutic process. The purpose of this study is to provide justification and support of an integrative approach in bridging the gap between biblical counseling and pastoral counseling. This integrative approach would serve to broaden the scope of the current counseling service, resulting in an understanding of how mental/behavioral health can be a beneficial component in addressing the various needs of the African American/Black church and community. The research method used in this study was a multi-method approach in analyzing and the collection of data, with the use of triangulation as a multi-data collection tool. Purposive sampling, snowballing, and identifying key informants were utilized as recruitment tools for the study.
