"ACT Score and Sub Score as Predictors of Pass/Fail on the Credentialin" by Jeanna Marie Haggard




School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy


Rebecca Lunde


ACT, Nutritionist, Credential Exam


Education | Educational Leadership


The profession of nutrition and dietetics is currently experiencing a significant change in the educational process with the conversion to a competency based graduate program for the process of licensure and ability to practice in the profession. In addition, the overall pass rate has declined nationwide, thus creating the need for accurate academic predictors for passing. For many health science programs, standardized exams continue to be an effective predictor of passing licensure exams. With many of the institutions of higher education dropping the requirement for test scores as part of the admission process, this is a consideration for many programs in student selection. This study used logistical regression to examine the predictive ability of the ACT in small private institution of passing or not passing the dietetic nutritionists licensure exam. Instruments included the standardized ACT preadmission exam for college admission and the credentialing exam administered by the Commission for Dietetic Registration which is the licensure exam for acknowledging professional practice status. ACT composite and sub scores are effective predictors of passing or not passing the CDR exam and should be considered in the admission process for accredited undergraduate programs.
