"An Evaluation of the Responses of Self-Studies for AETH Certification " by Marta Noemi Luna




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Education in Christian Leadership (EdD)


Steve L. Yates


Leadership, Competency, Theological Education, Certification, Institute


Education | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The current literature on accreditation of theological education institutions does not include studies focused on the self-studies phase of the accreditation processes (Hernandez et al., 2016; Ramirez, 2019; AETH, 2020b). Little information was found on the number of incomplete self-studies or incomplete certification or accreditation processes (AETH, 2020b). The purpose of this exploratory sequential study was to evaluate the AETH Certification program and the self-study responses by collecting data to determine the factors that prevent Hispanic Bible institutes from successfully fulfilling the requirements, exploring the effects on the stakeholders and the AETH Certification program. The study implemented the CIPP Evaluation Model with both formative and summative approaches. The CIPP model collected both QUAL and QUAN data through the Context (C), Input (I), Process (P), and Product (P) evaluations to assess the AETH Certification program and determine factors leading to the incomplete self-study information (Stufflebeam & Zhang, 2017). Four questions guided the research and yielded data analyzed using triangulation assessing the alignment of the program objectives with the needs of the stakeholders, how the program met the requirements, how the plans were executed, and whether the goals were attained (Stufflebeam & Zhang, 2017). The results demonstrated that there is an essential need for mentoring, a necessity to increase knowledge and competency on organizational structure and operational condition, an inadequate understanding on accreditation and certification, and the need to develop organizational structure readiness.
