"Rescue Mission: Transformational Recovery Through Expository Preaching" by David Allen Mayes II




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Scott Maze


Expository Preaching, Teaching, Transformation, Church Revitalization, Regeneration, Recovery


Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The declining church stands in desperate need of regeneration, recovery, and revitalization. The primary goal for this thesis project is to lead Unity Missionary Baptist Church to a Christ-oriented, gospel-centered, and fruit-focused ministry. This endeavor implements an eight-week reconciling gospel program consisting of the sermon series Rescue Mission, eight small group discussions focused on the early church in the book of Acts, and forty-eight devotional verses for the congregation to experience spiritual growth and health. The church will discover that God’s Declaration is essential for a kingdom ministry. Ultimately becoming doers of the Word and not simply hearers. The quantitative research will measure change through the questionnaire responses and the congregation’s engagement. Triangulation of the data is pre- and post-questionnaires, focus group study and personal interviews, and the researcher’s observations. The gracious Savior employs and deploys his field ministry team of preachers to broadcast the good news of the truth through the life-giving force of Scripture to usher everlasting heart transformation. His divine influence primes the church to live out holiness, love, and service for the kingdom’s expansion effort. The church urgently requires this vital spark to enflame unity and growth, learning to live and love like Jesus Christ in community. God will breathe new life into his church through expository preaching and teaching grounded in his Holy Word empowered by his Holy Spirit. The church will not only revive and survive but thrive for the believer’s good and God’s glory.
