"An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Evangelical Pastors’ Co" by Kirby J. Silo




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Education in Christian Leadership (EdD)


Joseph E. Butler


Evangelical pastors, small church, biblical male sexuality, Relational Pedagogical Content Knowledge




The purpose of this interpretative phenomenological analysis study was to understand how Evangelical pastors’ knowledge of biblical male sexuality, pedagogical knowledge, and relational knowledge affected their ministry praxis of teaching, educating, and discipling men in living sexually pure lives from a biblical perspective. Biblical sexuality is a significant component in the spiritual formation of Christian men. Current studies show that sexuality remains an awkward topic in Evangelical churches today. As a result, Christian men are not getting the help they need in this critical part of their spiritual development. Participants (N=7) were male Evangelical pastors serving as senior pastors in small churches with no professional counselors on staff. The competencies in teaching, educating, and discipling Christian men regarding male sexuality from a biblical perspective are generally defined as having the comprehensive knowledge of what the bible teaches about male sexuality as well as having the technical skills to educate men about biblical male sexuality through relational spiritual formation, and discipleship. The theories that guided this study are Shulman’s (1986) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and Solid Pastors Ministry’s (2018) Relational Competency (RK).

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