"Worship, Culture, and Mission: Ethnomusicology as a Tool for Evangelis" by Semaj H. Pennix




School of Music


Doctor of Worship Studies (DWS)


Paul Rumrill


Ethnomusicology, Evangelism, Culture, Discipleship, Worship leader


Liturgy and Worship


Despite many efforts of using evangelism as a tool in the United States, a deficit within the mission field of the unchurched is still very present. Within the scope of the ethnomusicologist, there are both secular and sacred musical fronts and participants that must be presented with the gospel in a form that ministers to them and connects with their own cultural or traditional music. Infiltrating these atmospheres as an ethnomusicologist may be the way to meet these needs. Because music has such a strong potential for changing the hearts of others and fostering acceptance, it is important for the ethnomusicologist to meet these potential Christians at their current level or point of interest. This study explores strategies for ethnomusicology as a tool for Evangelism in America in reaching and discipling fellow musicians in both Christian and secular environments. This qualitative approach identifies leadership strategies of Christian ethnomusicologists in the mission field, and worship leaders in American church culture. Leadership strategies will be viewed in context of Christian evangelism with music as the vehicle and common ground of delivering the gospel to other musicians and music enthusiasts. This study will focus on (1) Ethnomusicology in America for the purpose of evangelism, (2) Successful worship leading strategies to multicultural congregations, and (3) presenting the gospel in and outside of church through music. This work is important because it helps to bring the gospel to those inside and outside of church who may not connect with past methods of musical delivery. Because the goal of the gospel is to reach people everywhere, this study could benefit/ advance methods of outreach and evangelism through ethnomusicology and music ministry. This project will help to bridge the gap between methods that Christian ethnomusicologists use to reach others through music, and methods that worship leaders use to minister to those of their congregations through music. This could prompt further research by other liturgical music researchers to explore methods of ethnomusicology and respecting the cultures and traditional music of others as they endeavor to present the gospel of Jesus Christ.
