"Measuring the Effectiveness of Large-Scale Discipleship Methods in Adu" by Kim Walton Harrell




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


C. Todd Hartley


discipleship, large-scale, methods, programmatic, Rooted, stages


Practical Theology | Religion


Spiritually mature believers bear the burden of responsibility for an early-stage believer’s discipleship development. As a believer matures over time, the weight of responsibility shifts from the church corporately to the individual believer’s responsibility to disciple himself and others. Southwest Church has approximately 3,500 adult attendees on an average weekend and has the responsibility to disciple large numbers of early-stage believers in their faith journey. This research of large-scale programmatic discipleship methods centers on the Rooted experience recently adopted at Southwest Church. The purpose of this DMIN action research thesis is to positively affect the early discipleship development of adult believers at Southwest Church by evaluating, measuring, and recommending improvements to the effectiveness of the Rooted discipleship experience. If Southwest Church implements the Rooted experience effectively, individual adult believers will be developed, encouraged, and equipped as disciples of Jesus Christ. Although individual believers will experience different spiritual development levels, there will be measurable individual results, and disciples will take necessary and important spiritual growth steps.
