"Implementing Christlike Love in the Johnson Grove Baptist Church" by Robert Lee Sullivan Jr.




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Boyd Hatchel


Christlike love, African American Church, racial harmony, justice, reconciliation, love


Christianity | Ethics in Religion


This research project was paramount, the title expressed the vision and purpose of the researcher as an under-shepherd of Christ. Implementing Christlike Love was not just designed for this church, but the key principle that was used in this project can inspire others. The problem addressed was a lack of true Christlike love in this church. Believers assumed that loving others would be automatic but loving like Christ requires God’s help. The purpose of this project was to appraise and resolve the perceived lack of Christlike love within the Johnson Grove Baptist Church. This researcher sought to provide a remedy for the perceived lack of love within the church. The project resulted in evidence that the church lacked love. Christlike love was difficult to project without biblical training and the help of the Holy Spirit. The researcher provided ten training modules on Christlike love, ten sermons focused on Christlike love and two questionnaires consisting of the same content, one before and one after the training, to determine if the training influenced the participants to love more like Christ. The participants scored higher on the second questionnaire after studying the modules on Christlike love and listening to the Christlike love sermons. They also realized the need to depend on the Holy Spirit to help them love like Christ. Hatred promotes racism and its ugly tentacles held captive many church members and had a paralyzing effect on some members in their attempt to love others. It crushed their confidence and hindered cross-cultural racial relationships. However, all churches can improve and love like Christ and demonstrate to an evil world, what it means to love everyone like the Savior.
