"Pastoral Care Training: Equipping Pastoral Staff to Effectively Minist" by Mark Dickerson Mehlig




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Charity Williams


Pastoral Care, Training Pastors, Counseling Tools




This project is designed to train the inexperienced staff at Calvary Church in pastoral care ministry. The critical areas in pastoral care are represented in the acronym H.E.L.P. S., (H) Home and Hospital Visitation, (E) Eclectic and Effective Counseling, (L) Lessons in Marriage and Family, (P) Prayer in Caring Ministry, and (S) Support in Grief and Loss. Chapter one introduces Calvary Church's ministry and presents the research's problem, purpose statement, thesis statement, and limitations. Chapter two presents the literature review with the foundations of pastoral care, which supports the immediate need for training. Chapter three outlines the research conducted to determine the knowledge and confidence level of the staff in each aspect of pastoral care ministry. Various research tools were used, including survey questionnaires, personal interviews, and a focus group to design the training program. Chapter four contains the survey responses and data analysis illustrated with graphs and charts. The participants rated each topic before and after the training to determine the effectiveness and identify opportunities for further education. The conclusion in chapter five includes lessons learned on time management, location, and communications. Recommendations for future training are noted to address the staff's specific needs for development in pastoral care ministry.

Included in

Counseling Commons
