"An Examination of Leadership Development Practices Among Pastors Leadi" by Dimas Enrique Castillo




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Education in Christian Leadership (EdD)


Gary J. Bredfeldt


Leadership development, Disciple-Making, Spiritual Formation, Evangelism, Hispanic, Baptist State Convention of North Carolina


Christianity | Leadership Studies


The Hispanic population's growth could be an opportunity and source of growth and renewal for many declining churches and denominations. However, accomplishing the God-given task of a church often requires a radical transformation of a church’s mission and operation. The purpose of this quantitative non-experimental descriptive study was to evaluate the understanding and comprehension among Hispanic pastors serving in the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina (BSCNC) of the specified principles of leadership, disciple-making, personal spiritual growth, and evangelism as delineated in the Leadership Development Models utilized in the BSCNC. The study sample was drawn directly from Hispanic pastors serving in Hispanic churches, ministries, or missions affiliated with the BSCNC. The developed computer-based Likert scale instrument was hosted via Qualtrics, and subsequent data analysis was conducted utilizing IBM SPSS 27. The data revealed a strong understanding of the principles of leadership, disciple-making, personal spiritual growth, and evangelism; however, the data also demonstrated a lack of participation by the respondents in leadership development training events conducted by the BSCNC.
