"Maintaining a Biblical Worldview: Mitigating Emerging Syncretism with " by Scott Kendal Leafe




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Russell S. Woodbridge


worldview, theology, church, education, right-thinking, culture


Practical Theology | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are granted a “new nature” that enables them to develop thinking, a worldview, based on the mind of Christ. Unfortunately, since every person’s worldview is continually being modified, it becomes ever more challenging for believers to keep their thinking consistent with Scripture. Therefore, this action research thesis assumes consistent participation in focused teaching on fundamental doctrines and theologies of the Christian faith is necessary to develop and maintain a cohesive biblical worldview. This research project comprised the teaching of a five-part Bible study course at a local church in eleven consecutive forty-five-minute classes on five fundamental beliefs that make up a person’s worldview: beliefs about God, reality (metaphysics), knowledge (epistemology), ethics, and human beings (anthropology). Quantitative data were collected by the study participants completing pre-course and post-course worldview surveys. In addition, qualitative data was developed from the researcher’s observation field notes following each class session and outside of the formal class setting. The research results indicated an increasing coherence of the Bible study course participants’ comprehensive biblical worldview knowledge and understanding, affirming this action research thesis. Therefore, local churches are encouraged to provide their church members and attendees with similar consistent Bible study opportunities on fundamental doctrines and theologies of the Christian faith. In doing so, a cohesive biblical worldview can develop, allowing them to respond to the culture they live in and better equip them to help the culture respond to the Savior they follow.
