"The Development of a Biblical Theology Curriculum for the Congregation" by Brandon Paul Spain




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Gary Waller


grand narrative, gospel, redemption, typology, covenant


Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The purpose of this project is to educate the congregation of First Baptist Church of Poplar Bluff how to understand the biblical theology of Scripture. It is the belief that if the people of FBCPB receive proper training in the subject of biblical theology that they will begin to appreciate the grand narrative of the biblical story. It is the researcher’s hope that once the people begin to read the Bible through a gospel lens they will become eager to dive deeper into the Word of God. The researcher also has hope that a healthy biblical theology will not only affect one’s personal spiritual growth but will have positive ramifications throughout the entire church body. Biblical theology teaches the story of God. In this story, one discovers who God is, how the world came into existence, the purpose of humanity, what has gone wrong in the world, and God’s plan of redemption and restoration. Many churches are lacking in a holistic approach to biblical theology. Thus, many churches and its members have grown to become spiritually anemic. The researcher has utilized an Introduction to Biblical Theology study to help the members of FBCPB. This study introduces the Bible as one grand story. The researcher discussed the major plot movements and the six major covenants that help move the story forward. The researcher used an initial and post survey to track the progress of the study’s participants. The post survey results showed vast improvement in the participant’s knowledge of biblical theology.
