"Exploring How Self-Leadership Influences Team Building in the Departme" by Joseph Wolemonwu




Graduate School of Business


Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Kimberly R Anthony


Self-leadership, influence, team building, leaders, development, leadership


Business | Leadership Studies


This qualitative research case study explored the influence of self-leadership in team-building abilities among leaders within a Department of Defense (DOD) component in Quantico, Virginia. The general problem to be addressed was the lack of self-leadership among leaders resulting in ineffective team building. The purpose of this qualitative case study is to discover what tools, approaches, skills, methodologies, or theories are needed to prepare those in authority for self-leadership better to assist team building and to evaluate those tools, methods, or theories. Research questions explored how self-leadership supports team-building abilities among leaders. If any, the barriers to self-leadership could prevent team building among leaders in the Department of Defense. Twenty interviews were conducted using convenience sampling. In the analysis of the interview data, seven shared themes were identified. The themes developed from this study are relevant and applicable in today’s business environment due to the value and the positive impact of self-leadership in team building, resulting in enhanced leadership competence and success in organizations. Based on the review of the academic literature and various themes identification, three recommendations for action were developed to support the declaration that organizational leaders and businesses establish self-leadership training curriculum in leadership development programs.
