"Discipleship and Mentoring in Youth Retention at Crosspointe Church" by Gregory Clement Bedner




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Mark A. Plaza


Discipleship, Mentoring, Emerging Adults, Parental Mentoring, Young Adults, Youth Ministry, Keeping Youths in Church


Christianity | Religion


Leaders at Crosspointe Church in Monroe Michigan have identified a need to develop a more effective discipleship program to keep emerging adults involved in church after high school. Research shows that there is a growing trend of emerging adults leaving the church and the leaders of Crosspointe Church in Monroe Michigan have noticed this trend of emerging adults leaving the church after high school. It is hypothesized that a more effective discipleship program along with more parental involvement will positively correlate with Crosspointe Churches youths making the decision to stay in church after high school. This research utilized a discipleship program at Crosspointe Church which included the New Catholic Catechism, education on the importance of church membership and a parental mentoring program designed to increase youth commitment to church after high school. This study found that a focused discipleship program can increase youths’ decision to stay in church after high school. Other parameters measured in the study like parental involvement and youth commitment to church were less decisive. This study also includes two interviews with Crosspointe Church leaders used to identify key concepts in helping Crosspointe develop a more effective discipleship program.

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