"New Believers: Committing to Faith to Sustain The Life of the Christia" by Allen Scott




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Seth Bible


Disciple, Faith, Mandate, Obedience, Sermon, Worship


Christianity | Religion


This thesis's objective was to implement a more robust integrated program that would result in fewer people joining Cedar Crest Church and then leaving. Jesus mandates in Matthew 28:18-20 that man is given the authority to make disciples throughout the world by baptizing in the name of the Trinity, teaching them to observe everything that he had commanded while believing that he would be with them at all times. One way of validating this mandate's fulfillment is found in Hebrews 10:25 by not abandoning the opportunity to assemble with other believers through encouragement until the day of Jesus' return. To pursue a solution to this problem, a quantitative research method utilizing interviews from a sample population of new believers applicable from the master membership list at the church. Once the data was collected and analyzed, Cedar Crest followed the mandate to convey the gospel to the people. However, due to personal circumstances within the new believer's life, leaving within a year of joining was unpreventable. This research desires to influence other churches to look at their curriculum for new believers joining in the church and ensuring there are opportunities to fellowship and provide outreach to meet their needs at the initial point of unity in God's house.

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