"Charismatic and Expository Preaching: A Case Study of Two Preaching Me" by Lewis D. Mathis




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Jeffrey Cockrell


Charismatics, Expository, Preaching, Baptism of the Spirit, Glossolalia, Gifts of the Spirit


Christianity | Religion


Preaching by far is the primary tool used within the Body of Christ to spread the gospel throughout the world and draw people to the ecclesia (church). For centuries the fundamental approach to heralding the Word of God has been rooted in expository preaching. This theologically sound approach has been shadowed by the rise of the Charismatic Movement and its preaching. Therefore, this thesis project study foci will be on "Charismatic and Expository Preaching: A Case Study of Two Preaching Methods within the Local Church." This study is necessary to determine if these two forms of preaching can co-exist or if charismatic preaching can be incorporated as sound doctrinal preaching to edify the Body of Christ. The case study will be accomplished by theoretically and theologically comparing the data, biblical research, and the visitation of charismatic churches, particularly churches grounded in sound expository preaching. This research aims to compare the two by evaluating the churches' growth and decline using these forms of preaching and how the congregants receive the preaching of the two. The results will be valuable to the ministry in understanding the effectiveness of the two as it pertains to the church's growth and Christ as its foundation. New Hope Missionary Baptist Church was once considered charismatic with tremendous growth, with its pastor being charismatic and possessing many of the spiritual gifts that congregants gravitated to with awe. With his departure, the church had a significant decline.

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