"Evangelistic Strategy to Communicate the Gospel to Hindu Community in " by David Armstrong




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Dennis R. McDonald


Evangelism, Witnessing, Hindu, Hinduism, Apologetic, World Religion


Christianity | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


New Testament evangelism is emphasized as an urgent command specially communicated by Christ. Corresponding the gospel with the detached came naturally to the early Disciples of Christ. However, in recent decades, local Bible-believing evangelical churches have taken this command either lightly or have completely drifted away. If the church continues to ignore evangelism, the church loses its purpose for existence and results in a spiritually lost generation. Therefore, if the church of Christ will not prioritize evangelism efforts, it will not happen. The purpose of this qualitative study is to equip, mentor, and develop Christian lay leaders with the tools needed to share their faith with the Hindu population. To also encourage them to join and complete evangelism training workshops so they will be able to witness effectively. Without being intimidated by their Hindu friends. The Methodology of this study included questionnaires and surveys, which were distributed via U.S. mail and e-mail. Twenty participants completed the survey, which incorporated a Bible knowledge questionnaire, letter of the announcement, and schedule for classes being offered. The study showed volunteers lacked a theological understanding of the importance of evangelism as commanded in the Scripture. The training covered multiple topics relating to understanding the Hindu mindset and friendship evangelism. The researcher used data gathered from participants, and the findings showed all participants felt encouraged, equipped, and confident when interacting the gospel with Hindus. A pre and post-test were conducted to measure the attitudinal change in the area of evangelism and to bring awareness.
