"Biblical Parenting" by Mehret Kahsai




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Philosophy in Theology and Apologetics (PhD)


Brent Kelly


Parenting, Biblical Parenting, Godly Parenting


Christianity | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The goal of this Doctor of Ministry thesis project, Biblical Parenting, is to equip parents with tools that will enable them to conduct Bible study and family worship in an age-appropriate manner, so that their children will grow up understanding the Word of God and have a biblical worldview that will direct their daily decisions. Some of the parents at Calvary Baptist Church and Covenant Christian Academy appear not to be accomplishing their God given task of evangelizing and discipling their children at home. Instead they have relegated that responsibility to the church. However, according to the Bible, parents are divinely mandated to train up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4), which can only be effectively accomplished in the home environment with loving parents. The church’s job is to come alongside of the parents to equip and support them. This 6-week pilot program will focus primarily on parents who still have young children at home, including single parents. The research data gathering tools will include surveys, questionnaires, pre/post assessments. When parents implement their new found knowledge at home, their children should be able to live out the Christian life by demonstrating it, proclaiming it, and defending it.
