"Training Lay Preachers to Preach Expository Sermons in the Wesleyan Ch" by Grace Ury Ensz




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Cody Podor


Expository Preaching, Lay Preachers, Training, Practical


Christianity | Religion


There is an urgent need for lay preachers to know how to divide the Word of God and preach biblical sermons. This project addresses lay preachers’ needs in the Wesleyan Church in the Amazon district who carry out their significant ministry without any training. The purpose of this project is to supply practical training and to offer a viable preaching model to continue to preach expositional sermons. Action research methods will be used. There will be surveys, interviews, and evaluations done to help and understand the lay preacher. Triangulation will be used by comparing information from the researcher, the research participants, and an outside observer to see if the training method is viable. Quantitative measures will also be used to collect data to understand who the lay preacher is in the Wesleyan Church. Through the data received, this research project seeks to show that lay preachers, in their busy lifestyle, can feasibly gain practical training to preach biblical sermons with confidence. After the training took place the evaluations showed that the lay preachers applied the principles learned and preached effective expository sermons. The model presented is viable. The participants expressed the desire to continue preaching biblical sermons using the methods taught and meeting with other preachers to perfect these skills.

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