"The Effect of Training upon Faculty Stages of Concern about Making Col" by Marlena H. Pinner




School of Education


Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (EdD)


Gary Kuhne


Color Vision Deficiency, Disability Accommodations




Although color vision deficiency affects an appreciable portion of the human race, those with the condition do not enjoy mandatory educational accommodations. The purpose of this quasi-experimental investigation was to quantify the effect of professional development training on university faculty concerns about adapting their instruction for color vision deficiency. This investigation used a static-group comparison design with a professional development intervention for the experimental group at a liberal arts university (N = 98) in the Southeast of the United States, collecting data through an online fielding of the Stages of Concern Questionnaire. Independent Samples t Tests between the two groups revealed no statistically significant differences in means of raw scores (alpha level of .014) for the stages 0 through 5 concerns. However, the results did show a statistically significant increase (p < .001) for stage 6 concerns, suggesting that the training did change the concerns of the experimental group participants about exploring and desiring other options for adjusting their instruction for color vision deficiency. Such responses are suggestive that the training may have raised resistance to implementing instructional adaptations for color vision deficiency. These results provide research-based knowledge to guide collegiate leadership in making policy about these optional adaptations, and suggest that future research about making instruction more accessible for color deficient students should focus on institutionally-based, rather than instructor-based, initiatives.

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