


School of Education


Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (EdD)


David Vacchi


Student Veterans, Non-traditional Students, Academic Self-efficacy, Attrition, Community College


Education | Educational Leadership


The purpose of this quantitative predictive correlational study is to identify predictive indicators of perceived levels of academic self-efficacy for student veterans enrolled in Alabama community colleges and seeks to determine if the predictor variables of marital status, parental status, military service, and program of study have any relationship to their perceived levels of academic self-efficacy. It is noted by several studies that having low levels of academic self-efficacy is a significant contributing factor leading to student attrition. One way to mitigate this growing problem is to identify key elements that may predict a student's level of academic self-efficacy. This study uses the SELF-A as the instrument and analyzes results taken from N=123 student veterans attending community college in Alabama. The students were identified through ACCS student enrollment records and were asked through email to complete the survey. This non-experimental predictive correlational study looks for relationships between several nontraditional student factors and students’ perceived levels of academic self-efficacy. The study found that both marital and parental status had a significance of p=.000, indicating that both variables were significant predictors of academic self-efficacy. While no other variables were found to be significant, further research that focuses on separating the variables of health science and career technical education (CTE) within the Program of Study variable would help to determine if students who typically enroll in CTE programs are more likely to exhibit low levels of academic self-efficacy than those in health sciences and academic transfer.
